Kolegium Dziekańskie wraz z Zakładem Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Wczesnoszkolnej Wydziału Nauk o Edukacji Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku serdecznie zapraszają studentów i nauczycieli akademickich na wykład pt. „Fostering a Culture of Thinking for Lifelong Learning”, który wygłosi Assoc. Prof. Angela K. Salmon z Florida International University, Miami, FL.
Wykład odbędzie się 24 marca 2025 r. o godz. 9:45 w sali C02 na Wydziale Nauk o Edukacji Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
Prof. Dr. Angela K. Salmon is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education at Florida International University (FIU) and a Fulbright Global Scholar. She spent 18 years as a faculty member at Harvard’s Project Zero, where she gained recognition for cultivating learning communities of practice. She is also the founder and leader of the Visible Thinking South Florida initiative, a learning community of practice. Additionally, she has served as a Thinker in Residence for the Independent Schools of Victoria in Australia, further expanding her impact on global education. As a Fulbright Global Scholar at Universidad La Sabana, the University of Warsaw, and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dr. Salmon fosters international collaboration to advance education through her research on storytelling with young children, families and teachers. Her work explores the dynamic relationship between language and cognition as expressed through stories and play, focusing on using storytelling to nurture agency and global competencies. A passionate advocate for children’s rights, she actively promotes children's participation and voices through storytelling practices.
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